Really know God
Imagine how it feels to know confidently, that there is a God. Imagine if you will how you would feel if you knew God, personally. A knowledge that could change the world, and bring joy not only to yourself but to those around you, especially to those you love. Most people ask themselves this in the quiet of their thoughts, and some like me, are bold enough to ask God and by his grace are still living to share the answer. What you will find below is a very brief step-by-step instruction on how to, “know who God is.”
1. Hunger/Desire
The very first step in knowing who God is starts with a very basic hunger that was undoubtedly placed in you by God himself. If you desire to know then you are already more than halfway there. (Matthew 7:7-11 and Revelation 3:20)
2. Teachable/Humble
The second step is Humility. If you think that you know it all, you are not teachable. You don’t know who God is because you were born separated from him. You have broken God’s law (knowingly or unknowingly) and if you die without being justified by Jesus Christ, when you are brought before God’s throne on Judgment day you will be found guilty, and cast into a lake of fire for ever. In order for the separation to be bridged something needed to be done, so God humbled himself, and came in the form of a man, lived a perfect and sinless life, and took your place on the cross. (Exodus 20:1-18 Romans 3:23 Romans 5:18 Romans 14:10 2 peter 3:7 Matthew 18:2-4 Colossians 3:12 and James 4:10)
3. Hearing/Receiving
The third step is Hearing and receiving. Unless the data is input it cannot be processed. There is also a part of the hearer to receive what was heard. If somebody prepares a gift for you and presents it to you, yet you turn around and throw the gift in the trash, the gift was not received. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Even as you are hearing how God is giving YOU his only begotten son as the unspeakable gift, receive him personally. (Romans 10:17)
4. Believing
The fourth step and maybe the most critical, believing what you have heard. This is where many either give up or get stuck. It is a decision you are making in your mind and in your heart. … and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead,…. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness… (Romans 10:9-10)
5. Confession
The fifth step and just as critical as step four is the confession. Just like a marriage between a husband and a wife, it is not complete until you say with your mouth, “I do”. That if you shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, … that God hath raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. … and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. When Jesus Christ was put on the cross and died in your place, he was taken down and placed in a grave where he remained for three days. On the third day he rose from the grave! He fulfilled the law, paid the price for your crimes against God, defeated sin and death, and is offering you eternal salvation and an abundant life! If you believe this confess it out loud. Say I do to God right now! (Romans 10:9-10 Acts 19:18)
6. Repentance
The sixth step is as simple as turning around. Turning away from your sin, (fornication, drunkenness, orgies, hatred, malice, wrath, jealousy, envy, rage, idolatry, theft, lying, killing…) This is what you are being saved from. These things bring sickness, weakness, death, damnation, and eternal separation from God. This is why Jesus Christ had to go to the cross. To know him is to become less familiar with these things, until you leave them altogether. God is so good the closer you get to him the closer he gets to you; experiencing the fullness of joy that is in his presence is like nothing this world can offer.
7. Read
Now comes the BEST part of all, step seven, reading the Holy Bible. This book contains most if not all of what you will learn about God. His heart, his mind, his personality, his characteristics, his desire, his truth and his amazing purpose for you! The holy bible, incorruptible by man, unchangeable, unbreakable, From the King James version or the NIV, pray that God would guide you to the version he wants you to read.
8. Obey/Do
How many times in a day do you look into a mirror? When you look in the mirror at yourself what are you looking for? Is my hair in the right place, do I have any crust in my eyes, is my smile still shining bright? We are looking for information to tell us about ourselves and what needs to be changed/improved/or maybe just appreciated. Who, after looking into the mirror and upon seeing a large imperfection hanging from their nose would be careless enough to walk away without correcting it? Now that we are looking into the Holy Bible, we are looking for information. Is my heart in the right place, do I have a log in my eye, is my light shining before men? As we learn what God’s desire for us is, and what needs to be changed or improved in our lives, we should not be so careless to just walk away without correcting it. RIGHT!? (James 1:23-25)
This is far from being all inclusive, and is still a work in progress. Much more is to come. If you have read this and have been touched, or if you have decided to give you life to Jesus Christ, or you just have more questions please leave a comment below and give a testimony to what God is doing in you.
1. Hunger/Desire
The very first step in knowing who God is starts with a very basic hunger that was undoubtedly placed in you by God himself. If you desire to know then you are already more than halfway there. (Matthew 7:7-11 and Revelation 3:20)
2. Teachable/Humble
The second step is Humility. If you think that you know it all, you are not teachable. You don’t know who God is because you were born separated from him. You have broken God’s law (knowingly or unknowingly) and if you die without being justified by Jesus Christ, when you are brought before God’s throne on Judgment day you will be found guilty, and cast into a lake of fire for ever. In order for the separation to be bridged something needed to be done, so God humbled himself, and came in the form of a man, lived a perfect and sinless life, and took your place on the cross. (Exodus 20:1-18 Romans 3:23 Romans 5:18 Romans 14:10 2 peter 3:7 Matthew 18:2-4 Colossians 3:12 and James 4:10)
3. Hearing/Receiving
The third step is Hearing and receiving. Unless the data is input it cannot be processed. There is also a part of the hearer to receive what was heard. If somebody prepares a gift for you and presents it to you, yet you turn around and throw the gift in the trash, the gift was not received. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Even as you are hearing how God is giving YOU his only begotten son as the unspeakable gift, receive him personally. (Romans 10:17)
4. Believing
The fourth step and maybe the most critical, believing what you have heard. This is where many either give up or get stuck. It is a decision you are making in your mind and in your heart. … and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead,…. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness… (Romans 10:9-10)
5. Confession
The fifth step and just as critical as step four is the confession. Just like a marriage between a husband and a wife, it is not complete until you say with your mouth, “I do”. That if you shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, … that God hath raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. … and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. When Jesus Christ was put on the cross and died in your place, he was taken down and placed in a grave where he remained for three days. On the third day he rose from the grave! He fulfilled the law, paid the price for your crimes against God, defeated sin and death, and is offering you eternal salvation and an abundant life! If you believe this confess it out loud. Say I do to God right now! (Romans 10:9-10 Acts 19:18)
6. Repentance
The sixth step is as simple as turning around. Turning away from your sin, (fornication, drunkenness, orgies, hatred, malice, wrath, jealousy, envy, rage, idolatry, theft, lying, killing…) This is what you are being saved from. These things bring sickness, weakness, death, damnation, and eternal separation from God. This is why Jesus Christ had to go to the cross. To know him is to become less familiar with these things, until you leave them altogether. God is so good the closer you get to him the closer he gets to you; experiencing the fullness of joy that is in his presence is like nothing this world can offer.
7. Read
Now comes the BEST part of all, step seven, reading the Holy Bible. This book contains most if not all of what you will learn about God. His heart, his mind, his personality, his characteristics, his desire, his truth and his amazing purpose for you! The holy bible, incorruptible by man, unchangeable, unbreakable, From the King James version or the NIV, pray that God would guide you to the version he wants you to read.
8. Obey/Do
How many times in a day do you look into a mirror? When you look in the mirror at yourself what are you looking for? Is my hair in the right place, do I have any crust in my eyes, is my smile still shining bright? We are looking for information to tell us about ourselves and what needs to be changed/improved/or maybe just appreciated. Who, after looking into the mirror and upon seeing a large imperfection hanging from their nose would be careless enough to walk away without correcting it? Now that we are looking into the Holy Bible, we are looking for information. Is my heart in the right place, do I have a log in my eye, is my light shining before men? As we learn what God’s desire for us is, and what needs to be changed or improved in our lives, we should not be so careless to just walk away without correcting it. RIGHT!? (James 1:23-25)
Step 9: Walk it Out
The final step is to walk out what you have learned. Start applying the word of God to your life, and living it out each day. Ask God for wisdom, and let the Holy Spirit guide you. As you continue to follow and obey God, you will grow in your knowledge and relationship with him. This step is a lifelong journey, so be patient, persistent and be expectant to see God move in your life and those around you. (James 1:22-25 and Colossians 1:10)
This is far from being all inclusive, and is still a work in progress. Much more is to come. If you have read this and have been touched, or if you have decided to give you life to Jesus Christ, or you just have more questions please leave a comment below and give a testimony to what God is doing in you.
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